Dancing on the Edge

6 episodes | Television | 04 Feb 2013

Dancing on the Edge

The series follows a black jazz band’s experiences in London in the 1930s. Made up of talented musicians and managed by the compassionate yet short-tempered Wesley Holt, the band gets a gig at the Imperial Hotel, by way of cunning journalist Stanley Mitchell. They prove to be a hit, and become a success at the hotel. Countless aristocrats—and the Royal Family—ask the band to play at parties. The media rush to interview and photograph the band—including the ambitious American businessman Walter Masterson and his enthusiastic employee Julian. The band’s success spirals, being offered record deals. But tragedy strikes, setting off a chain of events that may wreck the band’s career.

Director: Stephen Poliakoff
Writer: Stephen Poliakoff
Cast: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Matthew Goode, Joanna Vanderham